15 Conversion Copywriting Tips to Boost Your Revenue

20 Conversion Copywriting Tips to Boost Your Revenue

11 August 2022 today ~ 11 min read 2110 views
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Claspo Blog 20 Conversion Copywriting Tips to Boost Your Revenue

Conversion copywriting plays a significant role in the interaction between businesses and consumers. A study has shown that people rarely read online. Instead, they just scan content with their eyes. The main approaches to writing conversion copy help capture the attention of the reader and potential customer while they scan and encourage them to take a targeted action (that is, to convert). 

Each marketing channel has unique specifics and goals, such as attraction, retention, etc. That's why it's important for marketers to effectively integrate conversion copywriting into the content that accompanies people throughout the customer journey. We have prepared several tips to help you create quality content for landing pages, blog posts, pop-ups, and emails. We've also reviewed useful artificial intelligence features that make certain writing processes easier.

What is Conversion Copywriting?

Conversion copywriting is the process of creating content that encourages potential customers to take action, whether it's filling out a lead capture form or purchasing a product. What is conversion copywriting from a practical perspective? It's the strategic use of words to persuade and convert visitors into buyers, based on an understanding of the needs and motivations of the target audience. The fundamental principle of effective copy that converts is to balance creativity with analytics. It involves using compelling language that resonates with prospects.  

5 Conversion Copywriting Tips for Pop-ups

The main focus of conversion copywriting for pop-ups is encouraging consumers to take the desired action using a laconic message. Typically, a widget's text consists of a title, a brief explanation, and a call-to-action (CTA) button. Let's explore some pop-up copywriting ideas with examples that will make it easier to craft short phrases to catch a website visitor's eye.

1. Choosing Active Verbs for CTAs

Calls to action encourage readers to take specific steps. They usually contain phrases with active verbs such as ‘See now’, ‘Sign up’, etc. When writing, focus on the benefits a person will receive after taking the desired action. The consumer should see a logical ‘action-benefit’ chain. You can use the following formulas to create CTA for different purposes:

  • prompt to act + benefit;
  • problem + solution;
  • creating scarcity + emphasizing urgency.

However, to avoid the impression of forcing someone, it is better to formulate the text in terms of advantages: instead of ‘buy’, you can write ‘get’. This way, we emphasize what a person will have, not what they will spend. 


Make an unusual move by adding a second CTA button with the Opt-Out option to the pop-up. Its text should say that the user is refusing a good offer, emphasizing the loss of something. For example, the Opt-In button can say, ‘Yes, I want a discount!’, and the second button can say, ‘No, I want to pay full price’.

Use this template

2. Using Power Words

In conversion copywriting, power words (also known as trigger words) are designed to evoke an emotional response and encourage action. These are words such as limited edition, must-have, discount, instant, and many more. Choose words that describe your product and resonate with your target audience's desires. 

Invoke emotions in your text by using phrases that stir feelings in people, such as curiosity, joy, nostalgia, pleasure, or even compassion. You need to understand your target audience well to know what feelings to appeal to. 

For example, in the pop-up by The New Yorker magazine, the text refers to a sense of pride in supporting quality journalism. The pop-up also addresses any potential objections by stating that the subscription can be canceled at any time.


3. First-person Call-to-Action

When writing a call to action, think about the button text from the customer's perspective: ‘I'm in’, ‘I want it’, etc. The first-person voice in CTA copywriting has a psychological impact on a reader, as it is perceived as a decision made by a person. 

In addition, the use of ‘I’ or ‘me’ with a verb in the text helps the consumer visualize their action. It is also an additional element of personalization, as it emphasizes that the problems of a specific customer are being solved. For example, using ‘Get my discount’ instead of ‘Sign up for a discount' creates a stronger sense of ownership for a reader.


4. ‘We’ll Be Counting Stars Time’

Pop-ups are the perfect tool to fuel the FOMO effect. Include the expiration date of the promo code or current promotion in your text. To ignite the Fear of Missing Out (FOMO) effect, you can use appeals that remind consumers that time is running out and they are losing their chance to get a better deal. These can be phrases like:

  • ‘Hurry, limited-time offer!’
  • ‘Don't miss out - last chance to save!’
  • ‘Act now - deal ends soon!’
  • ‘Be one of the first to claim your spot!’
  • ‘Grab it now before it's gone!’ etc.


Better yet, use a countdown timer to visualize the passage of hours and minutes. In the Claspo template library, you will find dozens of ready-made widgets with timers suitable for different occasions and holidays.


5. Using Numbers to Reinforce Offers

Including numbers or percentages in your text helps make it more specific and convincing. When people see a number, they understand what to expect, whether it's the size of a discount or the number of people who have already registered on the site.


A copywriter can make convincing numbers even more impressive and illustrative. For example, the phrase ‘80% of customers leave positive feedback about the product’ can be changed to ‘8 out of 10 customers leave positive feedback about the product’. Psychologically, the second option will have a stronger effect on the reader, who can visualize ten people.

To understand which message resonates best with your target audience, you should conduct widget A/B testing. By researching consumer preferences, you can learn which appeals are more likely to convert and extend that knowledge across all marketing channels. With Claspo, you can test any elements of your widget to understand their impact on the conversion rate. Need help figuring out where to start? Get our cheat sheet with top ideas for A/B testing! 

5 Conversion Copywriting Tips for Your Text on Landing Pages

Are you experiencing low conversion rates on your landing pages? Well, it’s not a big surprise. According to statistics, 48% of people who visit a landing page leave before reading the marketing messages. But it doesn't have to be this way. The problem can be solved with a website copy that converts. 

1. Creating a ‘Slippery Slope’

Joseph Sugarman, a legendary copywriter who started a mail-order business, JS&A Group, coined the term ‘slippery slope’ in one of his books. This strategy consists of organizing the sentences of an advertisement to guide customers toward a purchase.

You can achieve this on your landing pages by organizing the text logically. Such conversion copywriting usually includes:

  • A catchy headline that grabs the reader's attention;
  • An introduction to the offer, its features, and benefits;
  • Price and justification for the investment;
  • Testimonials that serve as proof;
  • Answers to questions and objections customers may have;
  • A call to action to purchase the product.

Observe how the order flows naturally. Use short, bold phrases to create the ‘slippery slope’ and make the text easier to read.

2. Writing Headlines with Valuable Info 

Landing page visitors rarely read content from cover to cover. They skim and focus on visually highlighted elements such as headings, subheadings, bold text, lists, etc. People typically study content from top to bottom. Therefore, the headline is the first thing a visitor sees on a landing page. In fact, 8 out of 10 page visitors will read the headline, so make it important to customers, presenting your unique value proposition. A person came to your site to solve a problem or satisfy a desire. Find these pain points and wishes and include the solution in the headline. 

In subheadings and small paragraphs, you can briefly describe the product's features or characteristics. But always highlight their benefits to the consumer. 

3. Enhancing Key Messages with Specifics 

A bare list of features and characteristics of a product/service is unlikely to inspire potential buyers to place an order or sign in. To make your landing page more compelling, explain to visitors what benefits they will gain from using your product.


For example, the landing page for a new smartwatch states that it is thinner and sleeker than the previous generation model. The page explains what that means for prospective owners: a smaller device is more comfortable to wear.

When choosing benefits, consider the following questions:

  • What customer problems does the product help solve?
  • How can it improve their quality of life?
  • What feelings will the product evoke in the customer (satisfaction, pride of ownership, emphasis on high status, sense of belonging to a group of successful people, etc.)?

Describe the advantages clearly and concisely, using facts and numbers. For example, instead of using the phrase ‘your sales will improve’, write ‘your sales can increase up to three times’. According to statistics, 74% of readers believe content that includes data is more trustworthy.


4. Speeding up the Actions with CTAs 

The call to action (CTA) is a critical element in increasing conversions. Two questions will help you create a convincing, appealing CTA:

1. What motivates my prospect to click the CTA link/button?

Example: If your product promises a time-saving solution, the CTA copy can emphasize efficiency, such as ‘Discover the secrets of saving time’.

2. What does my prospect expect when they click?

Example: If your offer includes a discount, the button text can highlight the benefit, such as ‘Get an exclusive discount now’.

Writing CTA text with these ideas in mind ensures resonance and engagement with your audience. 

Avoid having too many competing calls to action that could confuse or distract visitors. Also, place them prominently on the page to minimize the need for visitors to scroll before taking action.

5. Making Text Short and simple 

Landing conversion research has revealed that consumers are more likely to explore pages with text no longer than 300 words. At the same time, it should be written in simple language at a middle school student's comprehension level and get straight to the point.

While using positive words in landing pages may seem like nothing new, it's worth highlighting again. The study of e-commerce landing pages found that the addition of negatively framed language reduced conversion by 6-7%. Therefore, even when describing solutions to customer pain points and problems, you should avoid words that have an emotional overtone of anger, sadness, fear, etc.

Examine your landing content hypotheses with A/B testing. From a copywriting perspective, you should test different variations of headlines and subheads, the use of lists, the messaging of CTAs, tone of voice, text length, and text block placement. With the A/B testing template from Claspo, you can competently validate any of your hypotheses and get meaningful results to optimize your strategy. Get it now and use it for all your future A/B tests.

5 Conversion Copywriting Tips for Your Blog

Different types of content are more effective at different stages of the customer journey towards conversion. Blog articles have the greatest impact on consumers just learning about the product/brand and showing initial signs of interest. Here are a few tips on how to write a copy that converts.

1. Find Catchy Headlines 

The headline of a blog post should reveal its essence so that the reader understands at a glance what it is about and for whom. It should include the main topic and the key question you want your readers to consider. 

A study suggests that headlines with 10-13 words get twice as many clicks and 1.5 times as many shares on social media compared to shorter ones with up to 7 words.

The most popular headline types are (in descending order of popularity):

  • Everything you need to know;
  • Comparison;
  • Lists (Top-10, etc);
  • Guides;
  • How-to;
  • Questions.


2. Write an Engaging Introduction

According to statistics, the average time a visitor spends on a website is 5.6 minutes on a desktop or 2.5 minutes on a mobile device. The time spent per session is decreasing every year. Therefore, it is crucial for website copy that converts to grab the reader's attention in the first few seconds so that they want to read the entire article. 

Begin your introduction with a hook that attracts attention, arouses curiosity, or poses a thought-provoking question. This can be an impressive fact, intriguing statistics, a real-life story, or a powerful quote.  

3. Build a Story to Sympathize with Your Audience

Everyone loves a good story. One study found that people have 22 times better recall of stories than of bare facts. Incorporate storytelling elements such as sensory details, dialogue, and emotional appeals to make your story more engaging and memorable. Consider including real-life examples such as case studies, success stories, or customer testimonials.

4. Use Storytelling for Product Discovery

Use storytelling to gently tell consumers about your product. An engaging story in an article is built according to the following scheme:

  1. Introduction of the characters;
  2. Explanation of the problem they faced;
  3. Presentation of the way to solve the problem (your product);
  4. A story about how your product helped to solve the issue/improve the consumer's life, etc. 

An example of such storytelling is an article on the Canva blog. It describes how using a template for a Facebook post, veterinarians managed to find new owners for a dog and save it from euthanasia.


5. Take Care of the Formatting

Avoid writing an article as one continuous block of text. Break it up into headings and subheadings. Articles that contain up to H4 subheadings are the most effective

Enhance your content with short paragraphs, bulleted lists, and bold text for important information. A study shows that if you add one bulleted list for every 500 words, your blog post will attract 70% more traffic than an article without lists.

5 Conversion Copywriting Tips for Your Emails

One of the main challenges for email marketers is that they have only 9 seconds to encourage the reader to take a conversion action. Therefore, it's crucial to prioritize copywriting and conduct A/B testing to enhance the effectiveness of email marketing campaigns. Here are a few tips to help you create emails with content that converts.  

1. Make a Strong First Impression With a Subject Line

The subject line is the first hint a person gets about an email’s content when they see the email in their inbox. It's hard to overestimate the impact of this element on email performance. According to a study, 33% of users open an email after being interested in the subject line. Over the years, email marketing has already accumulated useful copywriting statistics. 

Emails with a 7-word subject line have the highest open rate. Try to put the most powerful and specific definitions at the beginning. Keep it to 50 characters. This way, they will be fully displayed on users' mobile devices. To avoid looking like spam, do not use more than 3 punctuation marks in your subject line.

A survey revealed that 73% of email marketers highlighted the positive impact of adding emojis to subject lines. 


2. Create a Header and Preheader tandem

Make sure your subject line and preview text (preheader) complement each other and flow when read together. 


Avoid repeating the sender's name in the subject or preheader. Aim for a preview text length of 90 characters or less, keeping in mind that preheader lengths vary between email clients (typically between 40 and 140 characters).

3. Choose Words Wisely

Research has found that using certain words in the subject line can make a big difference in whether people open an email. For example, putting ‘video’ in the subject line can make people 7-13% more likely to open it, and ‘free’ can increase the chances by 10%. However, using ‘newsletter’ can decrease the likelihood of the email being opened by 18.7%.

Additionally, you should avoid using many so-called spam trigger words and phrases, such as ‘Click this link’, ‘Save big’, ‘You won!’, etc. Email clients' spam detection algorithms can automatically react to these words. Lists of such triggers include many words that are common to marketing campaigns. Therefore, you can use them, but in a dosed manner. 

Using any online spam trigger checker, you can check the density of such words in emails and subject lines. If the email contains useful information for the recipient, has a clear structure, and is sent by a verified sender, the risk of getting into spam is minimal.

4. Use a Logical Structure

It's crucial to structure your message in a way that provides clear answers to the reader to ensure copywriting success. Here's a breakdown of key considerations on how to write copy that converts:

  • Keep your emails concise, aiming to limit each block of text to no more than six lines. 
  • Research shows that emails containing fewer than 144 words receive the most responses. 
  • Simplify complex information using bullet points or numbered lists. 

This format is easy on the eyes, enabling readers to grasp key points quickly without having to navigate through dense paragraphs. It saves readers time and keeps them engaged.

5. Add Conversion Text to Footer 

The footer is the bottom section of an email where you can place useful information for the customer. Typically, the company's contact information is included here. It's also an opportunity for conversion-focused copywriting. For example, you can invite the subscriber to install a mobile application using the CTA formula: the required action (download the app) + the benefit to the customer (ease of use, special promotions for users, etc.). 

Take a look at how Target implemented this strategy.


Conversion Copywriting Examples

Writing text that grabs readers' attention and encourages them to take action requires constant practice and inspiration. To find interesting ideas, you can analyze the content creation approaches of well-known brands. Let's take a look at some conversion copywriting examples to understand what to look for when researching.

1. Wordplay From Airbnb

Headlines should be clear so a person can get a company's main message at a glance. But that doesn't mean they should be boring. Creativity is welcome as it will help grab the site visitor's attention. 

You can find many interesting conversion copywriting examples of non-standard headlines online. For example, the first thing a visitor sees on Airbnb is the headline ‘Airbnb it and earn’. 


The company has boldly replaced the word ‘rent’ with its name, emphasizing that the brand name has already become synonymous with renting out homes. This laconic headline perfectly combines a call to action with an eye-catching benefit for a user. 

But this wordplay only makes sense if your brand is already well-known and associated with something specific. Otherwise, it is better to use more familiar wording in the headlines.

2. Apples’ Statement

We found a non-standard headline strategy on the Apple Entertainment Services landing page. Visitors see a bold promise to get only high-quality content and entertainment. There is a dot at the end of the phrase, which is unusual for headlines. It looks like a statement. And such confidence inspires trust, or at least a desire to check whether everything is as cool as the company claims.


3. Intriguing Call to Action from Avon

An interesting example of a call to action is the banner on Avon's website that leads to the About Us page. It is shaped like a challenging question that evokes uncertainty, suggesting that the reader may not know everything. The laconic CTA button intensifies this uncertainty by offering to learn more about the brand.


4. Funko's Blog Post Call to Action 

A call to action can be more than a single phrase; it can be a full-fledged text. For example, the Funko brand announced its participation in the October New York Comic Con on its blog. Half of the brief news text consists of calls to action. The announcement's style encourages the brand's fans to plan their participation in the event as soon as possible.


5. Value-focused CTA from Devart

Devart, an IT products company, used Claspo widgets with CTAs that motivated visitors to try the product trial. 

For convincing, the text uses specific details about the possible improvements in customer productivity when using Devart tools. In addition, the time-saving customer benefit is highlighted. A button with an actionable verb and an announcement of a trial period enhances the proposed advantage. The result? 48% increase in product downloads and 26.7% boost in conversion rate. You can read about Claspo and Devart’s successful partnership here.



6. Daring CTAs From Bobby Brown

The pop-up on the Bobby Brown website presents two CTA buttons with texts to choose from, essentially leaving visitors with no choice. However, users always have the option to simply close the window.


This approach is interesting but definitely needs testing to understand how the audience will perceive it. After all, people do not like to be deprived of choice.

Using AI in Copywriting

Using the power of artificial intelligence in copywriting can help speed up some routine tasks. Let's take a look at just a few of the ways in which AI can help you create compelling copy.

Brainstorm Subject Line Ideas 

Use AI platforms like ChatGPT to generate subject line options based on data analysis. For example, ChatGPT can analyze customer feedback about a particular product to deliver key messages that resonate with potential purchasers.


Add a few consumer reviews for analysis. Write the following prompt: 'Analyze eye shadow reviews and create up to 10 email subject lines that will resonate with potential buyers'. 


You can ask AI to make options shorter or longer, add relevant emojis, etc. 


Highlight the Benefits for Different Audience Segments

Based on product data analysis and customer feedback, AI can recommend which benefits and features are most important to specific segments of the target audience.


Having already generated subject line options, we asked AI to explain which message would be appropriate for which audience.


Generate Call-to-Action Options for Different Audiences

AI also helps you with ideas for creating pop-ups’ call-to-action button messages for different segments of your audience. 


After analyzing product details based on consumer feedback, AI identified potential user segments. It then generated three variations of calls to action for each group based on our request, ‘Please write calls to action for different audiences’. 


To generate CTA variants for pop-ups, you also ‘feed’ Chat GPT product reviews and ask it to highlight important product characteristics and generate call-to-action options.


Prompt: ‘Please analyze these reviews of [products’ name]. Highlight the positive aspects of the product that are most frequently mentioned. Highlight the issues that are mentioned in the reviews. Based on this analysis, create up to 10 calls to action for pop-ups’. 

You'll probably have to ask the AI to shorten the options, but in the end, you'll get a good result to work with. 


Change the Message Copy for Several Audience Segments

To avoid rewriting the same text multiple times for different audiences, make sure the AI is familiar with your text and add context about the needed segments.


Prompt: ‘Please analyze and rewrite the text of the email. It consists of two texts with incentives for two different segments: Avatar players and Assassin's Creed players. The email text is:...’  


Similarly, you can adjust the tone of your message text for different purposes. 

Highlight Customer Benefits from Product Features

As we mentioned earlier, people are interested in benefits, not features. AI will help you quickly identify what is valuable to customers to understand the key messages for text on, say, a pop-up. All you have to do is add information about the product.


Prompt: ‘Please analyze the features of this product and write about it from a consumer benefit perspective: [description of the product functions].’


This is far from a complete list of ways artificial intelligence can help with content. Test ChatGPT and similar systems, and share your experiences in the comments. Also, check out our article focusing on AI in marketing, where we explore examples and use cases of various tools in detail.

Final Thoughts

Mastering conversion copywriting is important for increasing profits and achieving business success. This article provides practical tips to help you create compelling text for different channels. From optimizing landing pages to engaging blog posts, attention-grabbing pop-ups, and convincing emails, implementing these copywriting strategies can improve the effectiveness of your marketing efforts and increase conversions.

Additionally, leveraging the power of artificial intelligence can simplify the copywriting process, allowing businesses to generate creative ideas, personalize messages, and highlight customer benefits. 

Utilizing the principles of conversion copywriting and the power of AI, companies can open up new opportunities for growth and connect with their audiences.


What is the difference between SEO and conversion copywriting?

Conversion copy can work in tandem with SEO, but they serve different purposes. SEO writing aims to meet the requirements of Google search algorithms. Conversely, conversion copywriting focuses on attracting readers and keeping their attention, encouraging them to take specific actions.

How to write text that converts?

Creating conversion text involves understanding your target audience, meeting their needs, and encouraging them to take action. Highlight the product's benefits, not just its features. Use convincing language and storytelling to captivate and inspire action. Use clear CTAs to guide customers through the next steps. Constantly test different variations of copy to optimize it to resonate with your audience. Implement A/B testing to refine and improve conversion rates over time. 

How often should I update my conversion copywriting strategies?

Updating your conversion copywriting strategies depends on several factors, including changes in your industry, audience preferences, and business goals. As a general guideline, consider reviewing your strategies at least quarterly to ensure they remain aligned with your goals and effectively resonate with your target audience. However, remain flexible and responsive to any significant shifts in market trends or customer behavior that may require more frequent updates. Regularly monitoring performance metrics and gathering feedback can help you identify opportunities for optimization and refinement.

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